Goodbye 2020

So Glad to See You Go

Patricia Rosa
4 min readJan 1, 2021
crystal ball reflecting campfire inside
Photo by Vlad Kiselov on Unsplash

You brought a year that no one will ever forget, nor no one wants to remember. Dumpster fire after dumpster fire ignited and lit up the world.

In March the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic. We learned ‘social distancing’ and how to wash our hands. Hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and Lysol spray flew off the shelves.

Quarantine and shutdowns

Six feet apart wasn’t good enough, first schools closed then non-essential businesses followed. People were told to quarantine in their homes.

Restaurants pivoted to take out only. Grocery stores limited their hours so they could refill the shelves that panicked shoppers bought out every day. And toilet paper? Let’s hope you could find some.

Remote work and online school paved the way for virtual meetings. Meetings are still a waste of time, but virtual meetings were a necessity. Zoom classes and Livestream replaced in-person live events. And Esty shops learned how to make masks.

Essential business continued to work, but we couldn’t wait to rush home to our quarantined families. We binge-watched Netflix, and Law and Order Marathons — reruns were all that we had left.

We watched the Coronavirus Task Force, and the John Hopkins’ Dashboard, as the…



Patricia Rosa

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe