How to Manage Your Email Effectively

Don’t let it manage you

Patricia Rosa
4 min readAug 22, 2020
holding phone, reading email
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How many inboxes do you manage? Think about them and add up those work and personal accounts. What’s that number? Four? Six? More? Are you managing them, or do they manage you? If you want to organize these better, here are ways to organize them.

How Many of these do you have?

· Work Email

· Personal Email

· Twitter DMs

· Facebook Messenger

· Instagram DMs

· Slack

· Text Messages

I have two email accounts at work, one I manage is for expedited sales orders. Additionally, I have two personal email accounts. And of course, DMs from Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. I respond to these differently.

To be productive set a time to answer emails at specific times a day

But not all of us can do that. I can’t block time to answer these, the group expedite box requires a response in an hour. I determine how I’m going to respond to each email after I evaluate it.

· Reply with status and ship date. I get copied on the reply and move it the reference folder and delete the original



Patricia Rosa

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe