I Got Blocked by a Medium Writer


Patricia Rosa
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


Photo by Klaudia Piaskowska on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for over two years and have made friends along the way and supported their writing. That’s what friends do, don’t they? At least that’s what I was taught. Be polite, courteous, and respectful of others’ opinions.

Yesterday I responded to a story from a writer who’d been absent for quite some time after I read her story about her bout with Covid. Of course, I wished her and her boyfriend well and hoped they feel better.

And I also suggested the following:

“It’s time to stop finger-pointing at anti-vaxxers or vaxxers, we’re all just people.”

And further commented that there is no certainty that her illness would have been worse without the vaccine.

After that, she blocked me.

Seriously, she blocked me. Am I only allowed to state my opinion as long as it’s the same as hers?

No, thank you.

I commented on my experience with Covid. As a high-risk individual with an incurable autoimmune disease, I should have ended up in the hospital when I had it.

I’m sad that she felt this way, but not that I commented on how I did. I wasn’t offensive or out of line. We shouldn’t be judgmental we should be open to each other’s…



Patricia Rosa

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe